Mike and Zan's European adventure in a nutshell.

Portuguese bull fighting Arena, Lisbon

Portuguese fishermen, Lisbon.

Mike and Zan Champ de Mars, Paris.

A Sunday afternoon in the Jardin des Tuileries, Paris.

The White Cliffs of Dover from the Channel ferry.

Lord Nelson's ship HMS Victory, Portsmouth, UK.

View from Thor's Cave, The Peak District, UK.

Mike dress to impress under the direction of Danann.

Zan, Danann and David outside Buckingham Palace, London.
i love the "europe in a nutshell" it could be combined into a book to complement the lonely planet "europe on a shoe string" lol...
so whats in the adventures of zan and mike in sydney? Certainly there could be some interesting things happening in the land down under???
any suggestions?!?
yeh i agree... that europe on a shoestring definately needs updating.
why do you want to hear about sydney? surely it must be boring compared to the adventure that has been?
cmon, whats not interesting about the struggle and pain of two people who have been travelling for the last 9 months to come back to the world of reality and work lol....
Adventures post AT?
u could be right. maybe theyve been going out drinking in celebration trying to spend more money and forget about that money thing.
you mean spend more money and become more in debt?!? ways to entertain yourself in sydney for less than a dollar a day lol.... there is plenty of things to continue on here...
i suppose a house party is pretty cheap entertainment.
wonder if any of those are happening? we should invite everyone!
hmmmm i think zans or mikes place on thursday the 14th of december...
there should be a theme though...
theme is... wills in melbourne
hahaha... well... we shall have it the following week... and i like the mexican theme!!! Tequila mmmmm.. and nachos.. ok so now im hungry... where else did you guys go... it could be a global theme?
global things already been done. so's mexican (the ranch did it well). lets do an eskimo theme in preperation for their next trip.
whos got a big fridge?
i dont know... maybe we should hire one of those large fridge things.... like one you can stand in.... but then again i think that would defeat the purpose of the house party
will still be awesome
with all these comments (from different ppl) ppl will want to advertise on here and we can pay for it
be excellent to each other
party on, dudes!
...you guys are crazy!
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